Senior fitness for senior centers

get fit and

feel great

Physical and mental wellness for senior centers

Boxing for Seniors:

Modified for Safety: This program focuses on the fundamentals of boxing, adapted to suit the needs and abilities of older adults. It incorporates non-contact exercises, such as shadow boxing, hitting focus mitts, and practicing footwork drills.

Physical Benefits: Improves strength, balance, coordination, and cardiovascular health. Helps maintain bone density and muscle mass, which are crucial for preventing falls and injuries.

Mental Benefits: Boosts cognitive function, reaction time, and confidence. Provides an outlet for stress relief and can help improve mood and mental clarity.

Social Benefits: Fosters a sense of camaraderie and community among participants. Creates opportunities for interaction and support.

Tai Chi for Seniors:

Gentle & Flowing Movements: Tai chi involves a series of slow, deliberate movements coordinated with deep breathing. It is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints and suitable for all fitness levels.

Physical Benefits: Enhances balance, flexibility, and coordination. Improves strength and stamina. May help reduce pain and stiffness associated with arthritis and other chronic conditions.

Mental Benefits: Promotes relaxation and stress reduction. Cultivates mindfulness and mental clarity. Can help improve sleep quality and overall mood.

Social Benefits: Classes provide a supportive and welcoming environment for seniors to connect with others who share similar interests.

Both boxing and tai chi programs for seniors:

Focus on Individual Needs: Classes tailor the workouts to the specific abilities and goals of each participant.

Safe & Supportive Environment: Participants are encouraged to progress at their own pace and to listen to their bodies. The focus is on having fun and enjoying the process, not on competition.

Holistic Approach to Wellness: These programs address both the physical and mental aspects of aging, promoting overall health and well-being.

These programs offer a fun and engaging way for seniors to stay active, improve their health, and connect with others in their community. Please email Aisling at [email protected] in order to set up a boxing, tai chi, or combination program at your senior living center.


Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Whether it's reaching a fitness milestone, fitting into a smaller clothing size, or mastering a new exercise, take time to acknowledge and celebrate your progress along the way.


oining a fitness class, online community, or hiring a personal trainer can also provide valuable support and encouragement along your journey.


oining a fitness class, online community, or hiring a personal trainer can also provide valuable support and encouragement along your journey.


oining a fitness class, online community, or hiring a personal trainer can also provide valuable support and encouragement along your journey.


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