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BOXING Training

Boxing sessions are a great way to get a full-body workout. I design workouts combining cardio, strength training, and coordination, which can burn calories and improve your overall fitness. I train people in general fitness, strength, boxing fitness, and for amateur boxing compeition. Many clients chose to try sparring, whether or not they compete.

What does a typical boxing session include?

A typical boxing session will start with a warm-up. This might include some light cardio, such as jogging or jumping jacks, followed by some dynamic stretches to get your muscles ready for movement. Once you're warmed up, you'll move on to the main part of the workout. This will typically involve a variety of boxing drills, such as shadowboxing, bag work, hitting noodles or mitts and technique drills. Shadowboxing is a great way to practice your technique and footwork, while bag work is a great way to build power and endurance. Sometimes drills will need to be slowed down to focus on proper technique, or time will be taken to explain strategy and mentality. At the end of the workout, you'll finish with some ab work. Strong core is crucial to boxing punches and stability.

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What are some benefits of boxing?

Burn calories: Boxing is a great way to burn calories. A 60-minute boxing session can burn up to 700 calories.

Build muscle: Boxing is a great way to build muscle. The repetitive movements of boxing help to build muscle mass in your arms, legs, core, and shoulders.

Improve cardiovascular health: Boxing is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health. The high-intensity nature of boxing helps to increase your heart rate and improve your cardiovascular fitness.

Reduce stress: Boxing is a great way to reduce stress. The physical exertion of boxing helps to release endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.

Improve coordination: Boxing is a great way to improve your coordination. The repetitive movements of boxing help to improve your hand-eye coordination and footwork.

Increase self-confidence: Boxing is a great way to increase your self-confidence. The physical and mental challenges of boxing can help you to build confidence in yourself and your abilities.

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Where can I do boxing lessons?

I do one-on-one lessons out of Unanimous Boxing Gym in Logan Square and offer at home sessions. Please schedule a consult for pricing and to answer further questions.

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Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Whether it's reaching a fitness milestone, fitting into a smaller clothing size, or mastering a new exercise, take time to acknowledge and celebrate your progress along the way.


oining a fitness class, online community, or hiring a personal trainer can also provide valuable support and encouragement along your journey.


oining a fitness class, online community, or hiring a personal trainer can also provide valuable support and encouragement along your journey.


oining a fitness class, online community, or hiring a personal trainer can also provide valuable support and encouragement along your journey.


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